Walking on the paths of Cilento, between luxuriant woods and clear shores, the world seems to stand still.
Everything is livelier, brighter, especially in the summer. The latter lasts a long time in Cilento, another gift granted by Mother Nature.
The trekking routes allow us to observe the other gifts: secular trees, plants of rare beauty and fantastic inlets.
It is no coincidence that the Greeks built Paestum on these shores, one of the most important cities of Magna Graecia, born as Poseidonia.
This is one of the many wonders hosted by Cilento, together with the Gulf of Policastro, the Cilento National Park, the caves of Castelcivita and our Palinuro.
The Baia del Silenzio is immersed in this huge atlas of history and nature. The Bay allows its visitors to admire all these beauties, through guided tours and excursions.
The attention of this focus will go to trekking enthusiasts, we will advise you on the best walks to do around our village.
Surely we will miss someone, we apologize in advance, but as already said Cilento is full of riches.
Let yourself be guided through rivers, mountains, historical centers and natural parks with the 7 most evocative paths of Cilento!
Path Italia
The first stretch we recommend is the one that connects Monte Cervati to Piaggine. A thorny mountain route 10 kilometers long. Pleasant places and cover-worthy panoramas. What you will see will be worth the price of all the effort, certainly you will need energy and determination.
Path Rupazzi
Easier and less difficult than the previous one, this path that connects Tortorella to Casaletto Spartano is two kilometers long. It is part of the Cilento Park, an ancient path where you can get to know many species of animals. A characteristic note are certainly the red roofs of the Spartan farmhouse.
Path Rio Casaletto
We recommend this walk to all lovers of river scenery. A 2-kilometer stream framed in colorful nature, theater of the magical Venus Hair Falls.
Path Farneto
We find Tortorella again, but now we go in the direction of Morigerati, along the old junction section. A fairytale labyrinth 3 and a half kilometers long, where it will be possible to admire the gorge of Rio Casaletto and Bussentino.
Path Lentiscelle Porto Infreschi
We descend from the Apennine slopes to enjoy a 5 km walk close to the sea. You will be able to walk along beaches that the whole world envies us. During the excursion you will have the privilege of seeing the cliffs and the Baia degli Infreschi.
Path in the footsteps of Aeneas
Searching for Aeneas through white beaches and rocky coasts. It is part of Aeneas’ route, therefore it is one of the stages that the Virgilian hero traveled in his escape from Troy. I’d say it couldn’t have gone better!
Path Guardia del Cilento
A path for history lovers. From San Severino di Centola to Roccagloriosa, 3 kilometers imbued with a glorious past. The castle of San Severino, baronial palace at the Lucan tombs of Roccagloriosa.
This is only a part of Cilento’s incredible historical, artistic and naturalistic heritage.
Baia del Silenzio offers everything necessary for hikers and trekking lovers, indeed over the years it has always placed more emphasis on this aspect.
The offer is not limited to all the activities and opportunities of the village itself, but surrounds the guest with an infinite amount of stimuli from its territory.